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Voices of Sample Management - Episode 8: From parking lot meat fridges to flatbed scanners, data matrix labelled tubes make their way to cameras in LED boxes

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the ...
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management - Episode 7: The Impact of Hydration on DMSO Sample Integrity

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the website here:
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management - Episode 6: The Multifaceted Nature of Sample Requesting

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the website here:
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Voices of Sample Management

Introducing the Voices of Sample Management Podcast

In this series of video and podcast episodes, Voices of Sample Management, we'll bring together ...
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management - Episode 5: The Effect of AI on Sample Management and Software Development

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the website here:
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management - Episode 4: The Penguin Phenomenon: Impact on Sample Store Choice

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the website here:
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management - Episode 3: From Mobile Robots to Sales Reps

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the website here:
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management - Episode 2: Eco-Smart Practices - From Freezers to Plasma Cleaners

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the website here:
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management - Episode 1: From Playstation to Tecan Fluent improvements

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube The Podcast: Listen on the website here:
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Voices of Sample Management

Voices of Sample Management Episode 0: Making sample management better for everybody

The Video: Watch the video below or on YouTube Watch Episode 1 here The Podcast: Listen on the ...
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