Mosaic SMS White V2

The Sample Management Platform for Life Sciences

Mosaic is the leading sample management software solution for life science laboratories. Trusted by a worldwide customer base from small biotech to global pharma, Mosaic tracks and manages every step of the sample lifecycle.


The Sample Management Platform for Life Sciences

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The ideal solution to track and manage all types of sample inventory in freezers and laboratories

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The ideal solution to manage sample requesting and fulfilment for centralised sample banks, with full inventory tracking and workflow management

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By market:

Pharma and Biopharma

Mastering sample management in Pharma and Biopharma


Supporting agroscience research


Performing sample management and assay services


Diverse sample management in Research Hospitals

By application:


Efficient biobank management

Assay Sample Management

Providing data sets for screening as rapidly & reliably as possible

Cell Line Management

Addressing the needs of managing, tracking & requesting of cell lines

Compound Management

Providing a wealth of functionality & compound management services

Critical Reagents Management

Maintain the supply and manage the quality of critical reagents

"Mosaic is the number one asset of the value proposition when we discuss compound management with clients"

"For a client, if he says two years later ‘there is something wrong with this plate’ – we are able to come back to that run and know exactly if the run was interrupted. That audit trail for us is very, very essential. Even if it is not routinely used, the client knows he can refer to it. It’s very positive for him." Dr Sylviane Boucharens, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer

Our Partners and Integrations

Titian actively partner and integrate with most major laboratory equipment and software providers to maximise the efficiency and accuracy of sample management.

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150+ Implementations across 5 continents

We help lab managers move away from spreadsheets to the safety and security of systems built with 20 years of hands on industry knowledge.


1,000,000,000+ samples being managed by Titian Mosaic Software

Titian Mosaic software helps to track, store and manage any sample type, including small molecules, reagents, DNA, proteins, antibodies, cell lines, blood, serum and tissues.

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