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Titian Mosaic software integrates with CDD Vault

How You Can Use Mosaic and CDD Vault Together:

Scientists can choose to combine the substance registration capabilities of CDD Vault software with the inventory management and workflow tools from Mosaic in a guaranteed (and supported) integration which is very simple to set up.

This integration allows you to register your new compound in CDD Vault and then jump straight into Mosaic and start working with your inventory which is managed with all the Mosaic benefits of storage overview, control of automation, sample requesting, labware tracking and an audit trail.

How does the integration work?

RESTful web services ensure that core registration fields in CDD are visible to Mosaic – allowing the creation of labware in Mosaic containing CDD-registered substances.

  • Substances registered in CDD Vault are visible and searchable in Mosaic

  • Dedicated hyperlinks allow seamless navigation from Mosaic to CDD Vault

What Are the Application Requirements for this Integration?

Network connectivity between the CDD Vault server and the Mosaic server to allow web service traffic
Mosaic: software version 8.6 or later
Titian Mosaic

Titian Mosaic

Mosaic software provides workflow management and inventory tracking to enable a seamless, error-free, sample supply chain and audit trail. It integrates with a huge variety of other automation and software to bring these into your laboratory workflow and provide a 21 CFR Part 11 compliant audit trail for the entire sample life cycle.

Mosaic’s modular approach makes it easy to start small and upgrade or extend the software’s functionality whenever needed.

Titian is the industry leader in providing sample management software for the life sciences.

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CDD Vault Registration & ELN

CDD Vault Registration & ELN

CDD Vault is a modern web application for entity registration, assay data management, and electronic lab notebook. It lets you organise research data and collaborate across project teams. It is simple to use and extremely secure.

CDD Vault allows you to: Import large sets of chemical and biological data in a few steps, search through assays and compound libraries, normalise and generate concentration-response curves, plate statistics, SAR analysis, and heatmap visualisations, and customise reports within CDD Vault to easily collate and share data of interest in a single table.

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