Nucleic acid quantification is used to determine average concentrations of DNA or RNA, as well as their purity, throughout genomics workflows and the development of lipid nanoparticles and gene therapies.

Fluorescent dyes are commonly used to quantify DNA and RNA, but these rely on standard curves with narrow ranges and expensive reagents. Dye-based methods also don’t give any insight into purity and can involve a lot of workflow steps.

Unchained Labs have developed Lunatic, a next-generation UV/Vis absorbance spectrometer for simple and easy batch quantification of protein, DNA and RNA.

Titian Software’s Mosaic integration provides an easy solution to capturing Lunatic data in the Mosaic inventory either as part of a workflow or as a standalone operation.

Learn more about the integration, including the benefits and use cases in our application note. 

Fill in the form to download the application note.